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Public Speaking

Ileana is an impassioned speaker who moves her listeners through
her ability to reach them and impart information,
as well as igniting their own creativity and joy

    Speaking Engagements

Business Innovation Group

Markham Small Enterprise Centre & York Region PEO
Women’s Success Alliance

Association of Independent Consultants


Biznet Networking

Durham Home and Small Business Association
Business Women’s Networking Association
Metro Toronto Junior Chamber
Holistic World Expo
DBM Canada

9th Annual National Franchise and Business Opportunities Show


Professional Organizers in Canada Third Annual Conference


Women in a Home Office




















    Ileana's Audience


"Ileana, I just wanted to thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us during the BizLaunch Training Course. Your class was interactive and very, very supportive. I especially loved the real life stories (Good & Bad) from experienced business owners and the round table brainstorming. You were wonderful! Thank you most of all for taking a special interest in my business and taking the time to advise me on how to improve my services. I truly admire you and all that you have accomplished. Good luck with your business and future endeavors. Thank you again."

- Tabitha Marson, www.enjoynotcooking.com

“Ileana’s [Women’s Up & Running BizLaunch] class was just amazing… I was extremely impressed by the overall atmosphere… Ileana is very in touch with what it takes for a woman entrepreneur to succeed.”

- Kike Odusanya , [email protected]

"I thought Ileana had warm welcoming style, which put everyone at ease. She used good mix of prepared content and personal stories [in the BizLaunch course] that made the experience interesting and enjoyable."

- Suzanne Quesnel, www.boomerbicycle.ca

"Thanks for a very informative [BizLaunch] class Saturday. Your instruction and leadership style was professional, informative, interesting and was very successful in terms of getting the points across."

- Joe Longo, [email protected]

”I thought Ileana did a fantastic job. The
[Women’s Up & Running BizLaunch] class was informal but stayed on topic and moved smoothly from one section to the next. I thought the addition of speakers was great. As well, the articles and stories Ileana shared, offered real insight to the work ahead, as well as inspiring us to move forward. The ‘woman’ component of the class was done early so that it didn’t become the focus of the group, but helped create a dynamic for the program and its participants – to share experiences, fears and aspirations.”

- Roxanne Deans , ballybogsdeans@sympatico


“Ileana is a natural teacher who expresses valuable knowledge and information in a warm and interactive manner. Her confident approach to marketing consulting and public speaking is very appealing and greatly appreciated.”

- Brandon Klayman - www.consciouscommerce.cc

" I would like to thank you Ileana for a wonderful marketing presentation (April 6th). After I went home I couldn't stop having new ideas. The workshop inspired me so much that I will make changes on my current business. We engineers lack a lot in this area and bring a good professional such as Ileana can make the missing connection we have."

- Gustavo Valente , www.a-motionvideo.com

"Very good presentation skills. Very impressive person. Gave good ideas & holds attention."

- Mohini Shahani , [email protected]

"I really enjoyed your seminar last night at AIC. It truly gave me 'food for thought' about finding ways to improve my business image. Thank you for stirring up the creative side of my brain."

- Earl Rudolfo, TCB Small Business Services, "Taking Care of your Business"

"Excellent presentation. Great topic and very well prepared."

- Anthony Han, www.imagebank.ca

"Very good presentation and clear focus."

- Bert Twomey , Action e-Biz Inc., 905-271-1119

"Great talk - very helpful with lots of food for thought."

- Francesca Frate, www.adminconcepts.net

"Congratulations on giving one of the best BizNet presentations I have attended. It was lively, informative and pertinent."

- Oleg Kuzin, B.A., Certified Translator (ATIO-CTIC), www.hpcaonline.com/olku.html

"I wanted to take a few moments and let you know how much I enjoyed your presentation at last weeks Durham Home and Small Business Association networking meeting. I found the discussion on "branding" was lively, very well presented and thought provoking. I took plenty of notes and felt encouraged to step back, look at my business as it is now, picture how I would like it to be and begin to make the changes I feel are necessary. The points you made were simple and easy to understand and carried an importance about them without being overwhelming. As home-based business operators it is very easy to get caught up in the 'what we are doing', and continually put aside the 'who we want to be'. The reminder to take the time to know your business and where you are headed was timely and encouraging. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience".
- Marilyn Speziali , Birdie's Gourmet Pies, [email protected]

"Just a couple of words to thank you for your workshop on that all important theme of passion. It’s interesting that people are so pre-programmed that they don’t realize their passions until they compliment it by doing or working in something they really don’t enjoy. ... know that you are following the right path. You’re one of the few people whose persona and her website resonate and complement each other. Well done. You were a breath of fresh air in what seemingly feels like a wonderful reawakening for myself striving to chase and uncover those hidden dreams and passions. Much success with your company and your mission to affect people the way you do. "
- Flavian DeLima , Trainer/Writer/Speaker, [email protected]

"Thank you for speaking at DBM yesterday. The feedback I have received from the audience is terrific - they found your presentation motivational and fun. Several participants mentioned to me that they plan to immediately implement your tips on branding yourself and having a consistent message throughout all promotional material. We truly appreciate you taking the time to share your knowledge and enthusiasm with our clients."
- Linda Smith, Senior Consultant, DBM Canada, [email protected] 

"Wonderful, insightful and interesting presentation."

- David Lustgarten, [email protected] 

"Excellent presentation!  Enjoyed it thoroughly! Thanks"

- Stacey-Anne Bistak, [email protected] 

"Very valuable ideas to apply in my job search."

- Omar Hurtado, [email protected] 

"Very professional."

- Krystian Soczyrba , [email protected] 

"Excellent presentation, motivational and illuminating."

- Katherine Ho, [email protected] 

" Clear presentation, well organized."

- Paul Klinowski, [email protected] 

“I had the delight of meeting Ileana Rontea at a breakfast meeting in which she was to be the guest speaker. As we drank our coffee and discussed business related issues – it occurred to me that I was speaking with a very authentic individual. Ileana spoke with her spirit. She was not there to impress anyone but just to speak of what she knew. That day she mentioned another event that she was to be speaking at and I asked her for the details. I was energized to hear more.

I attended the business networking meeting and it was there that I made the correlation. Ileana’s presentation was titled “Ignite Your Heart’s Passion Through Your Business”. She spoke with experience, as you could tell that she was passionate about revealing her truthful message. Her address resonated with me because it was there that I realized how lucky I am to be living my passion. With Ileana’s help I realized how privileged I was to be living an authentic life where my strengths and passions agreed and resounded with my actual profession and my everyday occupation. I highly recommend attending an event where Ileana is a guest speaker, if you are not optimizing your passion or dreams…she will give you something to think about. Thank you Ileana! ”

- Amy Ewart - www.secretarialsolutions.ca

"Within moments of Ileana's talk on 'Igniting Your Heart's Passion Through Your Business' I had my 'aha' moment. I had started my business with such passion and excitement but it had somehow  faded away, in light of all the day to day practical necessities of running a business. Now when I am feeling uninspired or bogged down I take a moment to revisit the passion that got me started." 

- Jill George - www.timefinders.net

"Ileana is a dynamic speaker who is very passionate about marketing. Every moment [of her branding seminar] was interesting and her presentation reinforced my existing ideas and sparked some new ones. Thank you!!

- Janet Barclay - www.organizedassistant.com

"I thought your presentation last Saturday was great. It verified for me that I need to clarify my vision before I can move forward. Thank you!"

- Lori Marcotte - www.newleafconsulting.ca

"I appreciated your sincerity and how you have managed to align your deepest vision with the work you have chosen. I see it takes work, thought and time, but I know it is worth it. Thank you for the inspiration."

- Jackie Davis

"You did an excellent job with your presentation. It was very well put together and you obviously spent a lot of thought on it. Thank you so much for coming to our rescue with such a powerful and professional presentation."

- Pam Mirehouse-Brown - www.simpleorganizingsolutions.ca  

"Well, spoken, high energy, very informative and enjoyable."

- Lisa O'Connell - www.positiveplacedesign.com

"Excellent - knowledgeable and personable!"

- Jule Westgate-Sarrazin 




“A ship is safe in
harbour, but that's not
what ships are for.”

- Unknown






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